Over the weekend I wasn't tsk-tsking it, I was glug-glugging it, because it was mighty tasty, even if it wasn't culturally authentic. The biggest problem Dave had was, how do you get the beer out of the keg? It didn't have a blowhole like a firkin does, so he couldn't just somehow tap it and drain it. On the other hand, forcing it out with a keg tap or CO2 seemed risky.

On the earlier post about cask ales, I was hoping people would name more names of places with good or bad cask ale. There wasn't much response, but here's what I got, plus I'll add a bit of my own opinion.
Good places for cask ale:
- Deschutes - even Ted approves
- Moon and Sixpence
- County Cork
- Rock Bottom - from firkins at the right temperature
- Bridgeport - especially the Pearl location
- New Old Lompoc - one commenter reports multiple fails
- Horse Brass - same commenter says "hit or miss"; I agree
- Lucky Lab - pains me to say it, but that two-week old Black Lab Stout has its tongue hanging out.
A make-shift Beer Engine does not make a beer a cask ale. ;-) Push it with CO2 and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteBill: I wouldn't use the word "risky" regarding the use of C02...I just figured it would defeat the purpose of having a supposedly cask-conditioned beer. I did over-cool the beer; ideally I would have run the line through a chiller coil for more control of the temperature.
ReplyDeleteAnon: I was taking Full Sail's word on the authenticity of their cask conditioning. I wouldn't have gone to the admittedly minimal effort of rigging a hand pump for a regular keg; I'm far too lazy for that.
As with most of my projects, the internet gets most of the credit. If anyone is interested I will post the most pertinent links.